About Us

California DAR



We have members who work constantly helping our homeless veterans, giving out food, clothes, toiletries, toys, and monetary donations to the Long Beach VA Hospital, Long Beach homeless center, Cabrillo Shores homeless shelter, Santa Ana Veterans First homeless shelter, and Project Patriot.  We have members helping with Girl Scouts, reading to elementary students and becoming library attendees, asking first graders to write letters to veterans overseas, tree planting to remember those who have passed away, getting proclamations from cities for Constitution Week, giving out monetary donations to the DAR Museum, putting out flags and crosses for Memorial Day while cleaning grave markers, handing out awards to students for DAR Good Citizens awards, ROTC awards, American History Essay awards, and Constitution awards.


Women's Issues

Women's Issues is divided into three categories: health, career, and family issues. Chapters are encouraged to have at least one program a year on one of these topics.

The chapter's Women's Issues chairman provides a handout each month using the Monthly Awareness Calendar as a guide. This chairman provides an article on Women's Issues for our monthly newspaper, the "Monitor," which every member receives either by email or regular mail.

In 2011, Mojave Chapter, NSDAR was honored at State Conference with third place in chapters with over one hundred members.


Museum Restoration and Donations

From 2012 to 2014, an article entitled “Featured Object From the DAR Museum Collection” discussed an object from the DAR Museum. The articles were posted on the display board along with other DAR Museum news. The DAR Museum brochure, DAR Museum Decorative & Fine Arts Collection, was passed out to each member in attendance. The committee chair held a fundraiser for the DAR Museum’s Adopt-an-Object Program. It was an honor to forward a check to the DAR Museum adopting an 1837 sampler made by Mary Kelsey which needed an acid-free storage mat. The committee chair also provides an article named "Museum Musings" for our monthly newspaper, the "Monitor," which every member receives either by email or regular mail.